
Oregon State University proudly presents….

The Road to Responsible Industry

Our Mission:

We want to provide an environment in which socially-aware students and faculty can further educate themselves and stimulate proactive change.

Through our unity, we will…

-Act as a resource to encourage students’ curiousity

-Explore career opportunities and stay current with relevant business trends

-Challenge industry standards and cultivate change

-Connect and collaborate with industry professionals to expand our network of socially-conscious decision-makers

Goals, broad and narrow

-Host field industry speakers to hear real-life experiences on implementing responsibility into the corporate environment

-Create a strong student foundation of all ages & various OSU departments

-Visit companies who share our core values & discover how they apply sustainability principles

-Volunteer as a group or raise funds for various organizations who are striving to achieve equality in a socially and environmentally responsible manner

-Support companies who take pride in their workers by getting their products in the OSU Bookstore

-Host events focused around awareness, discussion, and action of various topics (for examples holding film events, potlucks, and community speakers)

-Participate with OSU’s First Annual Green Career Day (April, 2011)

If you would like to be involved, as a student, faculty, or industry individual–we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:


1 Response to About

  1. Hi all. I’m curious to know more about your group and help you connect with other student groups. Consider a page at http://oregonstate.edu/sustainability/students/
    OSU Sustainability Coordinator

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